Children's activities at St. John the Baptist

Here at St. John the Baptist we have a number of activities and services for children and young people, and their families.

Little Stars

A group for Parents and Carers with bables and Toddlers meets at St Mark's Church weekly during term time.

Junior Church

Our Junior Church team invites school-age children to join us during the 10am Sunday service.  Early in the service, we go out to the Chapter House to continue our worship.  The children hear about the 'Good News' of Jesus and enjoy activities related to the church's year.  We rejoin the adults in church at the Peace.  Come and have fun learning about the journey from the crib at Christmas to the Resurrection on Easter Day to the giving of God's Holy Spirit at Pentecost to living out our faith in our ordinary, everyday lives.  On the first and third Sunday of the month, families worship and learn together in our 10am Family Eucharist. 

The churches at the moment are coming out of COVid restrictions so Junior Church will be opening again soon 

For details of our Sunday services, please see Services at St. John the Baptist.


We also have a local Guiding group that meets in our Chapter House.  For more details, please contact Louise Brooks on 01604 947558.

Our Choir

We are a mixed four-part robed choir of singers from all-age groups.  We sing at the main 10am Sunday service, seasonal and special services, and most of the Saturday weddings at St. John the Baptist.  We offer children and young people the opportunity to develop their musical and singing skills in a Christian setting. Our practices are on Tuesday evenings in term-time (4.45pm to 5.45pm, children only) and on Friday evenings (6.45pm to 8pm, full choir).

For more details, please see our Choir page.


Faith & Fun Youth Group

For details of our team's youth group, Faith & Fun, for 10 to 17 year olds, please see What's On - Children and Youth.

On the third day,
his parents found the boy Jesus in the Temple,
sitting with the Jewish teachers,
listening to them and asking questions.
Luke 2:46 (Good News Bible)

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