Services at St. John the Baptist

We invite you to join us at one or more of our regular church services.

Sunday Services

Our usual pattern of services on a Sunday is as follows.

1st Sunday   10am - All Age Worship/Eucharist
2nd Sunday   10am - Sung Eucharist
3rd Sunday   10am - Sung Eucharist
4th Sunday   10am - Said Communion at St David's Church followed by Cafe Church
5th Sunday   10am - Sung Eucharist


For details of our seasonal and special services, please see our Church Calendar.

A number of times in the year, our choir leads us in a BCP Choral Evensong.  If you grew up with the Book of Common Prayer or you like to sit and let the music and the beauty of evensong speak to you, do look out for these services.  They will be publicised on our main Church Calendar.

​Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 (NRSV)

Weekday Communion

On the first Thursday of the month at 9.30am, there is a said Holy Communion service which includes a short homily.  We are hoping to restart our Thursday morning services in church in October.

Home Communion

If you or a family member cannot manage the walk or drive to church, please contact us.  We can either arrange a lift or bring communion to you at home.  For more details or to arrange a visit, please contact Revd Canon Jane Butler, our team rector, on 01604 717133.






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