Children's activities at St. Mark

Here at St. Mark's church we have a number of activities and services for children and young people, and their families.    


Children at St Mark's

During the Sunday morning service children can participate in some fun activities prepared for them. 

For more details, please contact our team rector, Revd Canon Jane Butler, on 01604 717133.

Little Stars

Songs, stories, playtime and refreshments for parents/carers with babies and toddlers.  Tuesdays 1.30 - 3 pm during school term times.

For more details please see What's On - Children and Youth - Little Stars


Faith & Fun Youth Group

Faith and Fun (for 10 - 17 year olds) our Team's youth group currently meet at St David's Church Hall..  For more details please see What's On - Children and Youth.

On the third day,
his parents found the boy Jesus in the Temple,
sitting with the Jewish teachers,
listening to them and asking questions.
Luke 2:46 (Good News Bible)

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